Saturday, November 5, 2016

Imagine Lin-Manuel Miranda as a Marvel Character

Last week I proposed a few DC Comics superhero characters that could potentially be played by Lin-Manuel Miranda, creator of the brilliant musical Hamilton, in live action.  This week I am continuing that premise for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  I browsed through the official Marvel Encyclopedia I had lying around for inspiration and came up with a few ideas for characters ready to make the leap to the big screen if they haven't already.


The character of Fandral already exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe but he has been played by two different actors in as many movies.  One third of Asgard's "Warriors Three" was played by Josh Dallas in Thor and Zachary Levi in Thor: The Dark World.  If another recasting should be needed perhaps Miranda would be up for the part of the swashbuckling warrior.  He would surely bring an appropriate amount of energy and humor to the role.

Voice of Warlock

The Technarchy is a species of space travelers who are innately very aggressive.  Warlock is an outcast of his race because he is naturally kind.  He escapes the wrath of his menacing father and goes to Earth, where he happens to be found by the New Mutants, a team of X-Men in training.  He is quickly embraced even though he is by far the most alien in every way in the group of misfits.  Lin-Manuel Miranda is too old and too human to play a teenage alien living computer outright but a Warlock would have to be CGI anyway and he would need a voice actor.   Miranda, as someone who tends to wear his feelings on his sleeves, could surely relate to the raw emotion of the naive fish out of water.


The Beyonder is similar to Warlock in that they are both new to Earth and the ways of humanity but they are very different in a couple of important ways.  The first is that the Beyonder is much more powerful.  The second is that he is an adult, or he was born yesterday depending on how you look at it.  The Beyonder is an entire multiverse made sentient.  When he first gained consciousness he formed a new planet and forced the Marvel heroes to fight each other.  Later on he tried to live among humans by taking the form of one.  It didn't go well.  That was more or less the end of the Beyonder.  He was an omnipotent celestial being who sought to understand human life but he really screwed things up in the process.  For Lin-Manuel Miranda, a widely beloved and famously warmhearted performer, to play the Beyonder, an almighty sociopath who seeks to understand humans but lacks the capacity for human morality, would be quite striking.

Jim Power

Jim Power is not a superhero but a humble scientist and father.  However, his young children aged 5, 8, 10, and 12, form the super team known as Power Pack.  They gained their abilities after Jim created a device that drew attention from an alien race of reverse-centaurs.  Power Pack went on to face some of the most deadly villains in the marvel universe and wrestle with serious issues like addiction, homelessness, and the moral implications of a 5 year old who can fire deadly laser bolts out of her hands at will.  Fortunately, the team had two loving parents they could count on even if they weren't included in the secret of their children's dual identities.  Jim and Margaret Power are a perfect model of two-income, prime-of-their-life, figuring-it-out-as-they-go parents of young children.  What I'm saying is, Jim Power is a cool dad not unlike Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Followers of Miranda's social media are familiar with his son Sebastian and how important he is to Miranda.  Also, fatherhood plays an important part in Hamilton, from the lead's wartime cry of "gotta start a new nation, gotta meet my son" to that son's premature death.  So, even though it's only a supporting role it's easy to see Miranda in the part of an early 30's parent whose life becomes very strange very quickly but he takes it all in stride and with a healthy dose of love and understanding.

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