Friday, November 28, 2014

No New Post

It's the Friday after Thanksgiving and I'm feeling especially lazy so I'm skipping the blog post today.  Instead you should just watch the new Star Wars trailer and say "what?" a bunch of times like I did.

For instance, at the beginning where... you know what, why don't I just tell you the 

Three Best Places to Say "What?" in the New Star Wars Trailer

1. The Very First Shot

The trailer spends the first ten out of its 90 seconds on a blank screen then 10 more of an empty desert before a helmetless storm trooper pops up out of the bottom.  That's the first time when I was like "what?"  I mean, this sweaty guy just comes out of nowhere then he turns around and walks away.  Like, "what?"  Is this Star Wars or "Meerkat Manor."  What?"

2. The Lightsaber Crossguard

A little after the storm trooper walks away a Sith shows up also walking away from the camera.  They proceed to activate their lightsaber which has two tiny lightsabers coming from the top of the hilt at right angles from the main lightsaber.

  Full disclosure: when I first saw it I said "whoa!" but after a short time I said "what?"  I guess it could be efficient but an actual swordmaker doesn't seem to think so.

3. The Spacecrafts

The weird lightsaber is sandwiched between some air battles, which seem to be comprised entirely of ships that look exactly like the ones in the original trilogy; X-Wings, Tie Fighters, and the Millenium Falcon of course.  

What?  A society that has lightsabers and lightspeed and artificial intelligence hasn't advanced it's space travel in several decades?  What?

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